As a part of your application form please upload 20 images, 10 of which must be drawings.
- 10 Drawings - done in dry media, ink or watercolour
- 10 Additional Works - these can be work done in any media you choose
Images should be saved as JPEGs or PNG files, no larger than 200dpi and maximum 4MB per image. Please ensure images are of good quality. Works should be created within the last three years.
Animators may submit short video files or a combination of video and 2-D images of work within their Additional Works. Please limit each video file to 2 minutes / 8MB.
Please label each image in the following way:
i.e. Untitled_25x25_CharcoalOnPaper.jpeg
Dimensions should be calculated in centimetres. Please keep medium list short - main material and surface.